#2 Bestseller in Saskatoon
McNally Robinson's Saskatoon superstore provides the data to the major Saskatoon newspaper, The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, for its bestsellers' list. My Wake is #2 this week on the hardcover list, having been beaten by ... Dr. Seuss!
The list, which will be in tomorrow's (Saturday, June 13, 2009's) StarPhoenix, is below:
- Oh, The Places You'll Go!
By Dr. Seuss - $22.00 - Wake
By Robert J. Sawyer - $30.00 - Skin Trade
By Laurel K. Hamilton - $23.45
- Excuses Begone
By Wayne W. Dyer - $30.95 - Medusa
By Clive Cussler - $24.50 - The Scarecrow
By Michael Connelly - $21.69 - Gone Tomorrow
By Lee Child - $22.40 - Tea Time for the Traditionally Built
By Alexander Mccall Smith - $20.97 - The Hormone Diet: Lose Fat Gain Strenth Live Younger Longer
By Natasha Turner - $32.95 - Seasick: The Global Ocean in Crisis
By Alanna Mitchell - $32.99
(And, by the way, my Flashforward is #7 on the StarPhoenix mass-market paperback list this week, and Previously, Wake hit #1 on the Winnipeg Free Press bestsellers' list.)

Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
and WakeWatchWonder.com
Labels: Bestsellers Lists, Wake
Hah - all those parents and grandparents of grads, thinking they're unique and different by buying that book for their kid... just wait a week or two, and it'll drop back off the list.
Hi Rob, I saw you on the CBC business news about 5pm our time yesterday. The program was really cool from what the boss allowed me to watch :-(
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