Listen Up science-fiction episode online

Although the broadcast debut isn't until Sunday, June 14, 2009, the special science-fiction episode of the Canadian religious TV show Listen Up is already online on YouTube.
The feature interviews are with Robert J. Sawyer, Gabriel McKee, John C. Wright, and Peter Kazmaier, and there are clips from Hugo Award-winner Robert Charles Wilson, and Space: The Imagination Station's Mark Askwith.
Here's the whole show, in four parts:
Part 1: Robert J. Sawyer, the author of Wake and Calculating God, plus comments from Penguin Canada publicist Debbie Gaudet, Robert Charles Wilson, and Mark Askwith
Part 2: The Sunburst Award's Peter Halasz (the fellow who makes the opening comment); Gabriel McKee, author of the excellent nonfiction survey The Gospel According to Science Fiction
Part 3: Tor author John C. Wright discussing his conversion to Christianity; self-published author Peter Kazmaier
Part 4: The host's wrap-up.
I was asked on camera about my own beliefs -- I'm an atheist -- but that didn't make it to the final cut, it seems. :)
Here's Listen Up's own page about the episode.
Visit The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Labels: Interviews
Interesting interview. You know, it IS strange how a genre based on science, which really can't even begin to answer questions like "what is life's purpose" is always attempting to do so.
Orson Scott Card wrote an essay on this topic in the forward to Future on Ice. He said that on the surface, science fiction may seem the least religious type of literature out there. Star Trek 5 comes to mind. Still, it IS the only genre where philosophical questions are raised by authors and analyzed by a receptive audience.
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