I Remember the Future

Well, okay, no, I don't. :)
But Michael A. Burstein does, in his wonderful new collection I Remember the Future: The Award-Nominated Stories of Michael A. Burstein, just out from Apex Book Company.
On Amazon, I gave it five stars, saying:
***** Grand, classic-style SF with big ideas and a big heartThe book has an introduction by Stanley Schmidt, the editor of Analog, and was recently recommended in New Scientist's special report on SF. The terrific cover is by Bob Eggleton.
Michael A. Burstein is an Isaac Asimov for the new millennium, producing award-nominated story after award-nominated story in the grand Asimovian tradition: straight-forward prose, clever ideas, and a shining humanity that makes one proud to be part of our species. My personal favorite is "Kaddish for the Last Survivor," but all the stories gathered here are terrific reminders of what SF is capable of in the hands of someone who genuinely loves the genre and knows its history. Bravo!
You can read more about the book here.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Thank you, Rob. I am honored.
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