Kansas City Star Top Five SF/F Books of 2007

The Kansas City Star's Top Five SF&F Books of 2007 (alphabetically by author's last name):
- The Guild of Xenolinguists, by Sheila Finch. Watch your language; ETs may be listening.
- The Accidental Time Machine, by Joe Haldeman. A mans time machine moves in one direction forward.
- Rollback, by Robert J. Sawyer. A procedure that should takes years off an elderly couples lives works for one.
- Halting State, by Charles Stross. Virtual gaming can bring down economies.
- Hapenny, by Jo Walton. A tale set in 1949 Britain warns theres a price for giving up freedoms.
The full list of the Year's Best in all categories is here.
In their full review back on April 22, 2007, The Kansas City Star said:
Oh, to be young again. It's an opportunity that 87-year-old Sarah Halifax and her husband, Don, get in award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer's Rollback. In the first two pages, Sawyer depicts the warmth of a couple married for 60 years, looking back on the past from the year 2048 including 2010, when Sarah received a plaque inscribed, "For Sarah Halifax Who Figured It Out." Sawyer's near-future speculative fiction reveals many advances in medicine and robotics. But it's the humanness of the closeness (and the distance) between Sarah and Don that makes Rollback an early candidate for sci-fi book of the year.More about Rollback is here.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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