Upcoming Appearances

- Guest of Honor
Loscon 34
Los Angeles, California
November 23-25, 2007
http://www.loscon.org/ - Keynote Speaker at Dedication Ceremony
The David J. Williams III Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Collection
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Tuesday, December 4, 2007, at 2:30 p.m.
Press Release - Panelist
Ad Astra 2008
Toronto, Ontario
March 28-30, 2008
http://www.ad-astra.org - Panelist
EerieCon 2008
Niagara Falls, New York
April 18-20, 2008 - Panelist
Keycon 25
The 2008 Canadian National Science Fiction Convention
Winnipeg, Manitoba
May 16-19, 2008 (Friday through Monday, four days over the Canadian Victoria Day weekend)
http://www.keycon.org - Special Guest
Comic-Con International: San Diego
San Diego, California
July 24-27, 2008
http://www.comic-con.org - Panelist
Denvention 3: The World Science Fiction Convention
Denver, Colorado
August 6-10, 2008
http://www.denvention3.org - Panelist
World Fantasy Convention 2008
Calgary, Alberta
October 30-November 3, 2008
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Ah, still deciding about January I see...
I wish I could go to Loscon...or heck even the San Diego one. I was hoping to hear you speak this year. I've heard a lot of audio interviews with you and they are always phenomenal. Would you consider doing an SF talk at UC Santa Cruz at some point in the future? I think this campus is desperately in need of your graceful approach to the genre.
Hi, S.M.D. I'd be happy to speak at UC Santa Cruz. Suggest me to what ever committees book speakers there. I do a lot of University talks -- University of Calgary was my most recent; my next is Kansas State University.
More on me as a speaker is here.
I most definitely will talk to whoever I can about having you come speak here. Thanks!
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