The Enterprise has arrived!

Yes, I am a total geek. :)
Months ago, I ordered a limited-edition 33-inch reproduction of the U.S.S. Enterprise from the original Star Trek TV series from Master Replicas, and it arrived today. I must say, it's gorgeous.
The attention to detail in making this model is very good, and the lighting effects are terrific: the warp nacelle domes spin just like in the original series, the port and starboard navigation lights blink on and off, and so on.
I've yet to find the perfect place to display it; as you can see, right now, it's on my desk in my office.
I bought the "Limited Edition," and got number 206 of 1250. And, I must say, I was very pleased with the arrival of the parcel in Canada: DHL charged only Cdn$7 in brokerage fees, and there was no duty, just 6% GST to be paid. (UPS could take a lesson from this.)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Thou art truly a geek. :)
Nice, you'd think that they'd make 1701 numbered editions.
Veeeeeery Niiiiiice.
And judging from the it's size, I have the perfect place for it at my house . . .
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