Rob on The Gill Deacon Show on Wednesday

Recognize her? That's Gillian Deacon, former co-host of, the nightly science program on Discovery Channel Canada. I used to be a regular columnist for them in the 1997-98 season, doing a segment called 2020 Vision, and on January 2, 2000, Gill and I co-hosted a two-hour prime-time documentary for Discovery Channel Canada called Inventing the Future: 2000 Years of Discovery.
After that, Gill took a hiatus from being on TV (and no, smartypants, it wasn't because she was traumatized by working with me -- she took a break to start a family), but now she's back hosting a daily show on CBC Television called -- appropriately enough -- The Gill Deacon Show.
Gill and I had a reunion today, as I taped an appearance for that show, which will air this Wedensday, March 28, at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. coast-to-coast in Canada.
Although Gill very nicely plugged my upcoming novel Rollback, this was actually more a Rob-as-citizen piece. I was on defending the notion of suburban living against a couple of filmmakers who have produced a mockumentary about the horrors of living in the suburbs. (I live in Mississauga, which, although a city of 650,000 in its own right, abuts Toronto's western border, and is often thought of as a Toronto suburb.)
Anyway, if you're in Canada, check it out on Wednesday! Given that I've had a miserable cold for the last few days, I think I acquitted myself all right, but you can be the judge of that ... :)
Here's a picture of Gill and me, from back in the day ...

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Dude! You had hair back then!
Yes, I did. But I've gotta say, Gill hasn't aged a day in the seven years since I last saw her. She looks terrific.
Is the film in question Radiant City by any chance? I thought said film was brilliant, and from an urban design and ecological sustainability standpoint, as well as social dynamics, it made some very salient points, and in my opinion, the film should actually be required viewing.
Yes, indeed, the film is Radiant City.
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