Wikipedia on Quintaglio

To my astonishment (and delight!) I stumbled on the fact this evening that Wikipedia has an entry on "Quintaglio," the species of intelligent dinosaurs that feature in my novels Far-Seer, Fossil Hunter, and Foreigner. There's also an entry on the "Quintaglio Ascension Trilogy", and one on the main character of the trilogy, "Afsan". Cool!
The Quintaglio article is accompanied by the above very nice picture drawn (according to the caption) by the original author of the articles, who, judging by his list of other contributions to Wikipedia has a special fondness for reptiles in science fiction.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Speaking as someone with thousands of hours and edits invested in Wikipedia, add some information of your own. It's hard to get experts on Wikipedia, and I do believe you are "The" Quintaglio expert.
Interesting thought, Technotaoist! But this guy knows the stuff better than I do, at least right now! I haven't read FAR-SEER for fifteen years now, and as I was looking at his articles, I found myself going, "Oh, yeah, right -- I remember that!" :)
Not to mention there is an unwritten rule that you're not supposed to edit an entry pertaining to yourself or your works because of inherent personal bias. This came up a year or so ago when the father of podcasting, Adam Curry, made major changes to his Wikipedia entry and there was an uproar. That he made an edit to what he felt was an error didn't matter, the reason being that if everyone were allowed to do so then the Wikipedia would be nothing but a collection of self-written entries. I don't know, however, if there is anything against writing a note on the discussion page of the article stating that you believe something to be incorrect. You could also request that somebody look into updating the information based on what you have to say. In my own view that would be an acceptable method.
Yeah, well, the key to editing your own Wikipedia entry is to not get caught by the anal-retentive, no-life mavens of the Wikipedia world. In so many instances the worst in human nature comes out in the process as it stands now, and like in the wake of the officious Vogons, often nothing of interest is left in their wake.
Just finished reading the Quintaglio Trilogy, many thanks for a great time. Fast paced, good ideas, just enjoyable to read.
When is the second Quintaglio trilogy due ;-)
Best regards,
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