29,000 counts of accessory to murder
My 1997 Hugo Award-nominated and Seiun Award-winning novel Frameshift deals, in large part, with the hunt for Ivan the Terrible, a real-life Treblinka death-camp guard whose whereabouts have been unknown since the end of the war.
John Demjanjuk, a Cleveland autoworker, has spent the last few decades under a cloud of suspicion: he bears a passing resemblance to Ivan.
Based on all the research I did when writing Frameshift, I'm sure to a moral certainty that Demjanjuk is not, in fact, Ivan, but people continue to go after him figuring even though they were wrong about that, he must be guilty of something.
Today, German prosecutors charged him with 29,000 counts of accessory to murder.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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