Stephen Hawking now with Canada's Perimeter Institute

Woohoo! Stephen Hawking will be spending several months each year at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. Here's one of many news stories on the topic, and here's PI's press release.
As those who have been reading my novel Wake in Analog know, Caitlin's father, Dr. Malcom Decter, works at the Perimeter Institute, which was founded by an endowment from my friend Mike Lazaridis, co-founder of Research in Motion, the maker of BlackBerry devices.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
This is actually a comment on _Wake_ -- some time ago I was working in the handicap accessibility world for websites. We had a consultant from a group called Bartimaeus. When we were on the phone call with him, there was a peculiar clicking sound (like very, very fast typing) - that was his JAWS screen reader going at some huge number of words per minute.
This came to mind in one scene where the protagonist cranks up the reading rate because the email is from someone long-winded.
Henry Troup, Ottawa
Hi, Henry. Cool! Thanks for sharing that! :D
Will Dr. Hawking be making a "cameo appearance" in Watch or Wonder?
John F
John F, I'd say there's a good chance! (There are already several fun cameos in WAKE ...)
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