Two months on the Locus Bestsellers' List!

I'm delighted to report that my short-story collection Identity Theft and Other Stories is on the bestsellers' list published by Locus, the American trade-journal of the science-fiction and fantasy fields, for a second consecutive month.
Last month, it was #3; this month, it's #5 (tied with Michael Chabon's The Yiddish Policeman's Union).
I'm particularly pleased because both last month and this month, my Identity Theft and Other Stories was the only single-author short-story collection on any of the Locus fiction lists (hardcover, mass-market paperback, trade paperback, media-related, and gaming-related).
Here's this month's Locus Trade Paperback Bestsellers List (numbers following listings are months on list and position last month; an asterisk (*) means a tie with the preceding book on the list):
SEPTEMBER 2008 (data period: June [List on Locus site]):(Oh, and Mark Kelly at Locus Online has got it right, as above, in the electronic version of this list; the print version incorrectly lists the publisher of Identity Theft and Other Stories as "Robert J. Sawyer Books." That's not right; yes, Fitzhenry & Whiteside does publish my Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint, but that's exclusively for books I've edited by other people; any books by me done by Fitzhenry & Whiteside are under Fitz's Red Deer Press imprint.)
1) Spook Country, William Gibson (Berkley) 1 -
2) World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, Max Brooks (Three Rivers Press) 7 2
3) Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury (Del Rey) 1 -
4) Steampunk, Ann VanderMeer & Jeff VanderMeer, eds. (Tachyon Publications) 1 -
5) Identity Theft and Other Stories, Robert J. Sawyer (Fitzhenry & Whiteside) 2 3
*) The Yiddish Policeman's Union, Michael Chabon (HarperPerennial) 2 4
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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