Robert J. Sawyer Books at World Fantasy Convention

As we did last year, Robert J. Sawyer Books and the rest of Red Deer Press will be exhibiting in the dealers' room at this year's World Fantasy Convention in Calgary, and there will be an RJS Books room party one night. We'll be selling all our books, including our latest book, The Savage Humanists edited by Fiona Kelleghan (which is now out).
Got a letter today from James Morrow, one of the authors who has a story in The Savage Humanists. Said Jim: "The anthology has arrived, and it looks beautiful. Cover, fonts, paper quality -- all splendid."
I couldn't agree more. Book designer Karen Petherick Thomas of Intuitive Design International Ltd. and our in-house production manager Amy Hingston did fabulous jobs, and Friesens, our redoubtable printer, did their usual terrific work.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Is The Savage Humanists being published in hardcover and softcover, or softcover only? I try to collect in hardcover when possible. I'll buy it regardless, of course!
The Savage Humanists was published only as a trade (large-format) paperback. There is no hardcover edition.
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