My Arisia programming schedule

One week from today I head off to Cambridge, Massachusetts, for Arisia, a four-day SF convention over the 2008 Martin Luther King Day holiday weekend.
Here's my programming schedule:
Robert J. Sawyer Reading
Sat 11:00 AM 1hr
Hugo winner Robert J. Sawyer reads.
Trend? What Trend?
Sat 1:00 PM 1hr
Lauran Anne Gilman (m), Robert J. Sawyer
In a perfect world, your book about "X" hits the market exactly when the readership is saying, "We want a book about X!" But popularity can be a double-eged sword.... hear discussions on the pros and cons of being popular -- and why sometimes being "in" isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Science Fiction About "Touchy" Subjects
Sat 2:00 PM 1hr
Suford Lewis, Ken Gale (m), Aline Boucher Kaplan, Allen Steele, Robert J. Sawyer
SF these days is full of the moral dilemmas that the general public shrinks from. Why is science fiction good at talking about things people don't want to address? Does SF deal with such matters directly or metaphorically (i.e., coded in the language of the genre)? Are those aliens really aliens or are they standing in for someone else?
SF Mysteries: Laughs, Blood, & Technomurder
Sun 12:00 PM 1hr
John Sundman, Barry Longyear, Melissa Scott (m), Robert J. Sawyer
Crimes picked apart, stabbed, strangled, and otherwise discussed by perpetrators of the subgenre science fiction mysteries.
In a very nice move, the con has made the full pocket program available in advance online right here.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Wow! I wish I was going; they all sound like good panels to attend.
Any chance anyone out with a camera phone will post these talks on YouTube?
The one year in the last five that I miss Arisia, you're going to be there. Darn.
Lousy honeymoon... :-)
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