Birthstones launch tomorrow!

Tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 p.m. in the Reflections room at AD ASTRA, Toronto's science-fiction convention:
Come celebrate the launch of Phyllis Gotlieb's latest novel BIRTHSTONES, published by Robert J. Sawyer Books.
Phyllis's career is now in its fifth decade, and she's without doubt the founding mother of Canadian SF.
Join Phyllis and her editor for the world premiere of this far-future tale from Gotlieb's famed Galactic Federation, a brilliant hard SF novel with an afterword by Nalo Hopkinson. Refreshments will be served.
I just placed an order for the book through the Chapters-Indigo website. Their estimated ship time is 3-5 weeks. That kind of delay would usually keep me from placing an order, but I thought I should register my support for Canadian small-press SF.
Anyone care to join me? If you do, the wait for shipping might not be so long for the next title from Robert J. Sawyer Books...
John F
Truro, NS
Chapters-Indigo, and Amazon, do that all the time to small presses. We ship just as fast as the big guys, but they put that notice up, and we have no control over it.
Of course, the book is just off the presses this week -- Chapters-Indigo won't have their copies for a few days yet, but no way it'll be 3-5 weeks (Bakka-Phoenix Books in Toronto already has copies in store). Thanks for ordering the book, John! I'm really grateful!
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