Bookloons on Mindscan

Somehow I'd missed this review earlier on the wonderful book-review site Bookloons. The review concludes:
The development of the court case is fascinating (including both the exploration of individuation and lawyers taking issue with the fact that the androids don't dream), as well as the very human reactions of all versions of these people, in their original and artificial forms. Mindscan is Robert Sawyer's best yet, SF that explores an issue that may not be all that far ahead of us, by developing all kinds of intriguing human implications. Don't miss this one.
Congrats on the review! Praise is always nice, isn't it?
I'm a Canuck who's been living here in the Philippines for the past eight months, and I haven't been able to find MINDSCAN, in hardcover or paperback.
Just wondering: Do you know if your books are distributed widely in the Philippines? I managed to pick up a used copy of FACTORING HUMANITY in paperback here, and a lot of the main bookchains here (NATIONAL bookstore being the main one) stock such new sf/fantasy paperbacks as SPIN and ANANSI BOYS, but I haven't been able to find any of your books, new. Just wondering if you know. (I need more for my Canadian sf fix...)
I have no idea at all about distribution in the Philipppines, sad to say. Of course, if you've only been in the Phillippines for eight months, I wouldn't expect to see MINDSCAN in hardcover; it's much older than that (and, anyway, hardcovers don't sell well outside North America; trade paperback and mass-market are the preferred formats in most other countries). Of course, for book buyers ANYWHERE, the best thing to do if you don't see a title or author you're looking for, is ask the bookseller to order it. :)
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