Review of Steel Whispers

... a novel by my gifted writing student Hayden Trenholm. See the review here.
Steel Whispers is published by Bundoran Press, and is eligible for the Aurora Award.
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Labels: Awards 2010
Why would anyone vote for this when you cant get your name added to some awesome contest?
Come again, Zafri?
I saw the author at Worldcon during one of the sessions hosted by Rob and others in Canadian SciFi Publishing (including the main force behind Bundoran Press). It was a fascinating session and Hayden, sitting right behind me, spoke up which made me interested in reading some of his work.
I enjoyed Steel Whispers very much as well even though I hadn't read the first in the series (I've put it on my list of books to find). Very strong writing and excellent suspense. A wonderful merging of Detective and SF in a future Calgary!
Hi, Tgrignon. Thanks! The "main force" behind Bundoran Press is my great friend Virigina O'Dine. :)
Sorry Rob. I was referencing a previous post where you spoke about the Aurora and the possibility of winning prizes for voting. I believe it was entitled "Aurora hustling."
I've been on a fantasy binge recently (Rothfuss, Abercrombie, etc), and I need to get back to SF. The review of the novel sounds interesting, but I wonder if it would be beneficial for me to start on "Defining Diana" first?
Hi, Zafri. Go back and read the resolution to that thread, Aurora Hustling. You'll see that the checks and balances for the Aurora Awards work, and that the offending writer has (a) been chastised and (b) withdrawn the contest. :)
Honestly, yes, you'll get more out of Steel Whispers if you read the first book in the series, Defining Diana, first.
I was lucky to get my copy of Defining Diana.
They were out of Hayden's books in the Dealer's Room at KeyCon. I left the Dealers Room to head to a panel, and bumped into Hayden just coming out of the elevator. He had 3 copies tucked under his arm, and hearing of my dilemma, signed a copy and sold me one on the spot!
The moral of the story is: New authors should always have a couple of copies of their book tucked under their arms!
My mistake, Rob. I should have gone back and double-checked the thread. Glad to hear. I'm sure it wasn't done with ill-intent, so I hope no permanent damage was done to the author's career.
Thanks, I'll check out Defining Diana.
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