This is delightful! I know you! All of you!

So, Norman Spinrad just confirmed me as a friend on Facebook. Early next month, David Gerrold and I are giving joint keynote addresses at a conference in Istanbul. A little while ago, George Clayton Johnson left a message on my answering machine to say how much he loved one of my stories. Oh, and every now and then, Harlan Ellison gives me a call, too.
Norman Spinrad, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode "The Doomsday Machine." David Gerrold, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles." George Clayton Johnson, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode "The Man Trap." Harlan Ellison, who wrote the classic Star Trek episode "City on the Edge of Forever."
Why is it, despite everything else that's cool in my life, knowing these guys is one of the things I find the most cool of all? I am such a Trekkie!
Live long and prosper, y'all!
Source of this blog posting's title is from "Is There In Truth No Beauty?"
Spock: This is delightful! I know you! All of you! James Kirk, captain and friend for many years. And Leonard McCoy [affectionate laughter], also of long acquaintance. And Uhura, whose name means "freedom." She walks in beauty like the night.
McCoy: [to Kirk] That's not Spock!
Spock: Are you surprised to find that I've read Byron, doctor?
McCoy: That's Spock!
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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