The Globe and Mail mentions Sawyer, Robinson

Jack Kirchhoff of The Globe and Mail: Canada's National Newspaper does a weekly roundup of notable titles newly in paperback, and this week (Saturday, February 16, 2008) he mentions two science-fiction books with Canadian authors:
By Robert Sawyer, Tor, 313 pages, $8.99
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is backdrop for Sawyer's investigation of the implications of humanity's soon-to-be-realized ability to roll back the aging process.
By Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson, Tor, 352 pages, $9.99
A composer flees a tragic affair, determined to begin a new life for himself in space, only to be derailed by a literally cosmic cataclysm.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
I am a long-time Spider Robinson-obsessed reader. I go all the way back to the era when Spider was writing the best short sci-fi stories ever published --- things like "Antinomy," "Fivesight" and "Melancholy Elephants," just to name three memorable ones. On the other hand, I've just recently discovered Robert J. Sawyer, through his serialized novel, "Wake" published in Analog magazine. Nevertheless, the two have much in common. I can't think of two sci-fi authors who more ably put the human touch in humanistic fiction. I'm glad to see both of you get the good notice in the press; you deserve all this and more. Bravo to you both!
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