Aurora Award nominations now open!

Yes, already! Nominations are now being accepted online for the Aurora Awards to be given in May 2008 at Keycon; these nominations are for work first published or done in 2007. You must be a Canadian citizen (not necessarily resident in Canada) or a Canadian resident to nominate; there is no charge to do so.
Nomination Form
The Official Aurora Awards Web Site
My own work eligible for the Aurora to be given next May is my novel Rollback from Tor Books ...
Many thanks to Aurora coordinator Clint Budd for getting this up and running so early!
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
And for lists of other eligible works, see Canadian SF Works Database -- look on the left for the 2007 listings.
Do you know when nominations close, Rob? I can't find the info on the site. Thanks!
Clint Budd, the Aurora chair, informs me that the deadline for nominations is 17 March 2008.
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