
I promise to post lots more pictures of my China trip when I have a chance, but for now, here's one: that's a real live panda bear in my lap. Do I have the coolest job in the world, or what? ;)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Library Journal on Wake: "Sawyer's erudition, eclecticism, and masterly storytelling make this a choice selection."
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
You do indeed!
That is so cute! How'd it smell? I hear bears kinda stink.
I have always admired both you and Neil Gaiman. Now I feel only bitter envy.
How many books do I have to write before I get to cuddle a panda?
Excuse me, I need to go sulk.
John F
Truro, NS
Yes my friend, you have possibly the best job in the Universe next to the guy that sells planets for a living...which might be a rather lucrative business in certain parts of the Universe.
Is that a baby panda? I mean, they're small bears generally speaking, but I was under the impression that the adults were aggressive and dangerous.
SMD: It's not a baby, but rather a juvenile. Baby pandas are tiny -- just six inches long.
Ryan, it smelled mostly of wet fur; it had been raining. It wasn't unpleasant in any way.
Hello, you are probably at Beijing right now,hope you have fun there. And of cause, Chengdu is the best :) for the cute panda!
I always wanted to hold a panda bear! Was it heavy?
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