On-site voting at this year's Aurora Awards

V-Con, this year's CanVention (Canadian National Science Fiction Convention), has announced a break from CanVention tradition and is having on-site voting for the Aurora Awards (in addition to mail-in voting). Says V-Con Progress Report #2:
Vote at VCON
There is no fee to submit an Aurora nomination, but final voting is restricted to CSF&FA members. The good news? Because this years Canvention is being held in association with VCON 32, all VCON members are automatically CSF&FA members and are eligible to vote for the Auroras. A ballot will be included in your VCON 32 registration package. There will be a ballot box at the registration desk and you will have until 6:00 PM on Saturday, October 20 to make your vote count.
To my knowledge, on-site voting has only been done once before: the last time the awards were held at V-Con, which was in 2001.
For the curious, the winners that year were as follows:
* Best Long-Form Work in English: The Snow Queen, Eileen Kernaghan
* Meilleur livre en francais: Demain, les etoiles, Jean-Louis Trudel
* Best Short-Form Work in English: "Surrendering the Blade", Marcie Tentchoff (The Doom of Camelot, Green Knight Publishing) [poem]
* Meilleure nouvelle en francais: "La Danse des esprits", Douglas Smith (Solaris 134) [traducteur: Benot Domis]
* Best Work in English (Other): Science Fiction: The Play, David Widdicombe [play]
* Meilleur ouvrage en francais (Autre): Solaris, Joel Champetier, rd.
* Artistic Achievement / Accomplissement artistique: Jean-Pierre Normand
* Fan Achievement / Accomplissement fanique (Fanzine): Voyageur, Karen Bennett, ed. (USS Hudson Bay / IDIC) (www.idic.ca) [clubzine]
* Fan Achievement / (Organizational/Organisation): R. Graeme Cameron (BCSFA president & V-Con 25 chair)
* Fan Achievement (Other/autre): Donna McMahon, book reviews/ critiques de livres
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Does that mean that American VCon members can vote too?
Hi, Sho. Interesting question. As VCon is making up its own procedures, I don't have an answer. We'll see what the wording says when the final ballot is released.
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