Signing at BookExpo Canada
The wonderful people at H.B. Fenn and Company (Tor's Canadian distributor) had me do a signing at their booth at BookExpo Canada today. Fenn gave away 200 hardcovers of Rollback to booksellers, librarians, reviewers, and so forth -- $6,000 worth of books!
I signed them all -- and my hand was getting tired by the end. I had a giant line-up, that started forming almost an hour before my event; I spent some of the time before my signing just walking along the line chatting with people.
Everyone in this picture is in line to get me to sign a copy of Rollback for them; the line goes right around the bend and off into the distance:

And here I am, wearing out my hand:

All in all, a great event -- and a great day!

The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
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