Aurora nominations looming; full-text of Sawyer story

Nominations for the 2007 Aurora Awards -- the Canadian science fiction and fantasy awards -- are now open. You can get the nominating ballot here. Any Canadian, whether or not resident in Canada, may nominate, and there's no charge to do so.
My own story, eligible for nomination, is the SF/mystery "Biding Time," from the anthology Slipstreams, is available right here as a Word document -- enjoy!
(Deadline for nominations is POSTMARKED by Friday, June 15, 2007.)
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Very interesting story. This story seems to delve into the same sort of conflicts between Karen Bessarian and her son in Mindscan.
Very intriguing.
Well, you've hit the nail on the head, Nick. The story "Biding Time" grew out of a subplot in MINDSCAN that my editor objected to, and I removed, very reluctantly, from that novel. What you're seeing in "Biding Time" is indeed my original conception of why Tyler Bessarian objected to Karen's continued personhood.
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