Happy Birthday to me!
Sunday, April 29, 2007, was my 47th birthday, and I happened to be in Calgary, Alberta, a good waystation on the Rollback book tour (I was en route from Winnipeg to Vancouver; my actual event in Calgary is this coming Wednesday, May 2, 2007).
I spent most of my birthday at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, as part of the crew manning the booth for Con-Version, the Calgary SF convention that occurs each summer.
Since Kirstin Morrell is chair of Con-Version this year and also managing editor of Red Deer Press, the company for which I edit the Robert J. Sawyer Books imprint, the Con-Version booth was also selling the titles from my line (with Con-Version getting a cut).
We took a break for a late brunch at Nick's, a Calgary steak house, which is where the pictures below were taken (I'd forgotten to bring my regular camera, so these were taken with the little camera on my Sony Clie TH55 PDA):

Bruce Herrington; my novel Rollback is dedicated to his late wife Robyn Herrington, who was one of the most gifted writing students I've ever had

Kirstin Morrell, chair of the SF convention Con-Version 23 and Managing Editor of Red Deer Press

Val King, one of my writing students from a workshop in Calgary in 1996, and Randy McCharles, chair of next year's World Fantasy Convention in Calgary

Danita Maslan, author of the novel Rogue Harvest, published by Robert J. Sawyer Books

Special guest Abe Simpson, who was along to remind Rob that he wasn't really old yet!

Randy McCharles and science-fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer

First thing Monday morning, it was off to the Calgary Airport for my trip to Vancouver -- but I made a quick stop at the Coles bookstore there (which was open before 8:00 a.m.!), and signed their nice supply of copies of Rollback
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Happy Birthday Rob!!
Did you get your birthday whacks?
From one April birthday to another -- Happy birthday, Rob! I'm almost finished reading my first Robert J. Sawyer novel -- Calculating God. I think it's terrific! I have Rollback sitting on my shelf and I'm looking forward to reading it.
Happy belated Birthday Rob. I can’t wait for when beak is called at 7pm so I can scoot over to see you at Audrey’s..
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