Ed Kramer

Paula Guran documents the plight of my friend Edward E. Kramer here. Thank you, Paula! It's appalling how the horror-fiction and science-fiction communities have conveniently forgotten about Ed.
(I wrote four commissioned stories for anthologies edited by Ed; if you liked my stories "The Hand You're Dealt," "Peking Man," "Fallen Angel," or "Above It All," you have Ed to thank for their existence.)
Ed has had an invitation, which I reiterate every time I phone him, to come for a vacation at Carolyn and my place in Toronto, as soon as his current nightmare is over. Paula's stature in the horror field is huge, and I'm very pleased she's speaking up. Harlan Ellison also has been a great supporter of Ed through this ordeal, as has Bill Fawcett and Jody Lynn Nye. But the silence of so many others has been truly disgusting.
Besides his wonderful work as an anthologist, Ed is the co-founder of Dragon*Con. He is a gentleman, a gentle genius, and my friend. A nice bio of him is here, and tons about the criminal, unconscionable treatment of him by the authorities in Georgia is here.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
very nice informations...thank you very much mr suma...
I don't understand. What's he accused of? And yes, this delay in a speedy trial is outrageous!
Anne G
You can read more about Ed's plight here.
Note that Ed asserts his innocence -- and, as a guy who has known him for years, I totally believe him. But he's being denied his chance to prove his innocence in court.
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