
These bastards suck. If you sign up, your email box will get flooded with messages -- not from long-lost friends, but from the service itself trying to get more money out of you.
And then, just when you think you're finally done with the sons of bitches, they send you one of these, with no advance warning at all, stealing another US$59 out of your pocket:
Thank you for your renewal! As you requested, your Classmates Gold membership was automatically renewed on January 24, 2007. The credit card on file for your account was billed US$59 for another 2 years of membership without interruption of your Gold member status.I signed up because I was organizing a reunion two years ago, but being involved with was of negligible help.
My recommendation is to stay away from this service. And, hey, to any entrepreneur out there, you want to find the next big business niche for a social-networking site? Make a replacement for that's fun, free to end users, and easy to use. Classmates is awkward, rapacious, and won't even let you post or access email addresses -- everything must go through them. Bastards.
The Robert J. Sawyer Web Site
Have you asked them for your money back for the automatic renewal? I'm interested to find out how much success you've had.
I haven't yet; I'm just too swamped getting ready for tomorrow's trip.
And, actually, I'll be doubly angry if the renewal actually went through. My credit card expiration date changed since I first signed up for two years ago, and they shouldn't be able to process any charge to my account with the wrong expiration date. But it'll be three days before my credit-card company posts today's transactions to my online account listing.
I hate, hate, hate auto-renewals; I think defaulting to them should be illegal.
I've had good experiences with Linked In as a social networking site. It's free to use, shows you your contacts' email addresses, and doesn't spam with a lot of unnecessary messages. I like the user interface too.
I got fed up with all the spam from classmates too. Most of my old class contacts have migrated over to - it's free and has some okay basic features.
Point of interest: A company can charge an expired card in cases like this, where your membership renews automatically. Basically, a charge that's set to renew is authorized under the first charge, so that your credit card company's computers read it as "No new charges on this card, but this one's OK because we've seen it before."
I used to work for the credit card disputes section of a bank, and a lot of our calls were from people who didn't want to go through the trouble of calling AOL to cancel their accounts and would just either cancel their cards, report them lost or stolen, or wait for them to expire. None of these methods works, though.
It seems shady, but the justification is twofold: (1) If your card expires or is lost or stolen, do you want your AOL service/hosting plan/etc. to be canceled the next time the charge comes around? And (2) under the terms and conditions of companies like Classmates, they give their cancellation policy and explain that membership will renew and that you have to contact them to cancel.
It is annoying, especially when a company's customer service is hard to reach or, as in the case of AOL, you just want to call and cancel and they keep badgering you to stay with them for three free months or whatever, but it's on the up-and-up.
You can still dispute the charge with your credit card company and see what happens. Keep in mind that if you do dispute it, a requirement is that first you make a good-faith effort to resolve the situation with Classmates on your own. It doesn't sound like they're gonna just process a credit, but you gotta try!
(Note: The above applies to Visa/MasterCard and probably Discover. American Express offers more, from what I hear, in the way of customer protection and service, although I suspect the renewing-charges part works the same with them.)
Call your credit card company and refuse the charges.
they got me too. half of the emails listed of my clasmates came back unreturnable.
Rob - I've also found classmates a royal pain - but more frustrating is that there's a site out there called that is 100% free, allows you to post all kinds of contact info for schools, companies you've worked for, etc.
But the only thing is that unlike classmates, it's much harder to find. I guess the catch 20 on this is that since they don't rip people off they likely haven't invested in advertising the major way that classmates has, because every where you turn you see classmates ads.
Yup, Yup, and Yup!! I sent a MONEY ORDER in for the 3 month deal..$39.00 Still a complete rip off.I asked when I signed up if being a GOLD member ment that I could send mails to non paying members. Of coarse,sure they said,The hook they told me over the phone(after no one answered any of my mails) is, yes non paying members can answer mails. ONE TIME for free!!!! Most people use that up the first time they sign up just for fun. Thank God I didn't let them get my card number!!!! That place should be busted. Big Time...
The other major problem with is that they take messages (e.g., to your "guestbook" or personal messages) and then hold them hostage until you pay the ransom to read them.
On top of that, after you DO pay the money you have to put up with ads.
I wish I had read this one month ago. I too was surprised by a charge for $59 for some unreadable code but it did have the "classmates" name and a telephone number that tells you that you are SOL (sorta out of luck) (or something that means the same thing.) I went to my account settings and changed it so that I won't be automatically renewed next time. I sent a message to them and got an automated response back that said I could ask for more informatin by replying to their message. Uh huh... I replied but their email manager thought that there was some script code and blocked it. The message says they will review it and if my message is safe then they will forward it to classmates. Classmates was free when I started using it then it went to $8/year and now it's $29.50/year? Not worth it in my opinion. No wonder there are no more appends to the message board, etc.
You must remove your credit card info from Clasmates. If you only set the renewal for "manual" it will still change it to "auto".
I found this out the hard way. It took them charging me 2 separate times before I realized I had indeed set it to "manual".
Thanks. I couldn't even find my class photo, anyway. And there was no way in HELL I was going to pay for some crappy website that will steal money from me!
If you guys are tired of classmates why not join an alternative that's free (not to mention better)? Check out The site is a brand spankin new free alternative to that horrible site.
I think classmates should be free or a lot cheaper than $39 a year. They get tons of money from advertisements.
I agree, they do really suck. I should have known by how their sign up forms are set up. They gather information from you and then make it difficult to remove your info. Total scam.
I was wondering if anyone is able to get to that screen where we have all, regrettably, paid for the stupid gold membership? I was looking for a screenshot maybe.. so I could see for myself the fine print that I missed about the auto renewal. Man what a pain. I changed my renewal to "manual" right away (AFTER seeing the new $15 charge to my account) and then deleted my credit card info... sheesh...
ctually, that's what I had to do; CANCEL my Visa Card & get a new one. I'm thinking it'll be smart to continue to change them periodically ...
You folks have mentioned several alternative sites that are free. That's all well and good but each and every one of these "free" sites eventually begins to charge a fee once they become successful.I've joined several and they all follow the same pattern as Classmates is just one turd in a bowlfull.
These guys suck ass. I signed up for the free trial period and went to cancel it on the last day, they informed me there calculations were a day sooner and would not refund me. At no point did they tell me it was an auto-enrollment. Now these bastards charged me yet again and again are refusing to pay me. I didn't even get an email as the original poster did.
I agree. Why not just request that your credit card company or bank block these greedy morons from access to your accounts? You can also report then to the Federal Corporation commission in the US. Every time the Feds find impropriety on assmate's part, they'll slap the a-holes with a $50,000 fine. That will add up so fast the assmates will be forced to issue widespread refunds.
Update since I last posted, I filed a negative comment with consumer affairs, and low and behold classmates was finally willing to reimburse me.
I called or emailed them about the "auto renewal"and got them to cave in one day. No need for remediation or the BBB.
I hate their site, i think that they are morons, but i keep my profile there so old friends can find me, which has happened.
So, a big "whatever" to
They are 100% shit. I never gave them any of my money, good thing. I just wish they would top sending me SPAM. If I was them I would be worried as Shit, face book does everything they do x 10. They have no place to stop the SPAM.
I dont know anybody in my class who uses them, now most schools are starting their own, with much better coverage they missed their chance, good thing
Rob Their new scam is to show you 4 blurred names of people who are looking for you. After they charge your card the names are made clear and you never heard of them.One person looking for me is a guy named Jehovah Bubkiss.The owner of this company is an out and out crook.
I could not agree more. I kept trying to write a 'goodbye' note to my contacts, and it kept "hiding" my note. I'm heading to the Federal Corporation commission site right now. These people are just EVIL!
I am very upset with I signed up on 8/7/09 for their Gold Membership. I decided to go for the 2-year at $59. When I decided I wanted to cancel because it really wasn't for me (only a few hours later), I discovered I needed a password. They never sent me a password. I have been in touch by e-mail with their Member Care department. All they can tell me is enter my password. One response, they told me they would credit my credit (debit) card, and I haven't seen it yet. I have turned them over to the BBB. They are nothing but frauds.
Classmates is the best...
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